Catando Inquietudes...

segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009

Cuz we rock!

Dude! I couldn't believe! It is the second time that I go to the gym and when I enter in the locker room guess what I listen?!!! Brazilian music! YEp! I'm not kidding!!!! Last Thursday they were playing Vanessa Mata and today they were playing some Bossa Nova... I don't remember which one, but I'm pretty sure it was Tom Jobin.

I just loved it!!!!

Actually, I was chatting with my cousin and I mentioned the music thing, and I also told her that I started singing there and that the women were looking at me like, 'what the hell is she singing??' lol...... My cousin told me that it is sooooo nice. It makes us feel superior!! Like, "I know your idiom and others.... And are you understanding something??? Nope!!!!!!" kkkkk

See ya!

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