It’s coming!
Today I was remembering when I was melting under the hot sun in Brazil last January, while my mind was down here on the frozen Minnesotan. Even though I love the Summer, I was so jealous of my friends being here having fun with this crazy weather while I was there… With the same thing as always!
I enjoyed last winter here just for few days, which it wasn’t enough for me. That's why, I wanted to feel the frozen Minnesotan cold again! Yeah, I know, you might be thinking, “Gee, she is crazy!” I know I am. Haha. But in reality, it is not that I was crazy; it is that I just wanted to experience something new, and real cold winter was new for me!
However, the time passed and the Brazilian fall and winter came, and they were cold! I mean, not cold like in Minnesota, but cold. I remember that I kept thinking, “How can I feel cold here if I felt the real cold weather in Minnesota?” Well, the answer showed up when I came back to Minnesota last July: I wasn’t used to cold weather anymore! For example, in July I went to downtown Minneapolis one night and I was almost freezing! Can you imagine someone freezing during the Summer time?! Yeah, I couldn’t believe in it either!
Besides that, I found myself using the heat during the nights! Oh, man! Can you imagine someone using a heat during the Summer? No?! Well, I used it! For real! I just couldn’t sleep with the central air conditioner in my house being around 60°F (16°C).
However, It is better if I try to get myself used to low temperatures again because they are coming! The Fall just started this weekend and the temperatures are already going down! I can’t believe that Monday it’s going to be 13°F (4°C)!!! Oh my Gosh! I’m going to freeze pretty soon!!!
Oh yeah! The winter is coming, baby! It's better to be prepared!!!!
sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009
quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009
Not just on the blackboard
Do you remember when you had to know by heart everything that your Geography teacher was saying, like all those ocean names, lakes, and weather thing? So, I used to have a bunch of friends who hated Geography because all that stuff we had to know by heart. I, on the other hand, always loved Geography, especially when I got in the High School, where I found a teacher who was totally crazy, but who had the ability to use this craziness to make the students understand all those things and not just to know them by heart.
Yeah, teacher Marcello, I have to say that your teaching style did work! I still remember all those drawings and those silly explanations! But better than remembering those, it is the opportunity that I have of seeing them in person and not just on the blackboard! I mean, your drawings were pretty good! I still have them in my mind (and in my notebook – oh, yeah! Believe me, I still have my High school notebooks.) But to see it in person it is something priceless! And the best part is that they are not just another place that I visit, they are something that I’ve learned about, and something that I really know about. And why? It is because of my teacher’s crazy teaching style!
For example, last month I went to Duluth, MN, where I saw the Lake Superior, the largest of the five Great Lakes of North America. It is also the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area, and is the world's third-largest freshwater lake by volume. I couldn’t stop thinking about my teacher and everything that he taught me, and I couldn’t believe that I was really seeing that! The sensation was just amazing.
But, as amazing as the sensation that I had when I saw the Lake Superior, it was the one that I had when I went to NASA and Galveston Island, in Texas. First, I have never imagined myself being at NASA! Never! For me, NASA was something that reminds me the Woody woodpecker’s cartoon. I’m kidding! Hehehe But I really looked for him over there! LOL! Oh yeah!! Well, it was just incredible to see all those rocket ships right in front of me! Second, I couldn’t believe when I put my feet in the water of Gulf of Mexico! Oh yeaah, baby! I was there! I was in the water of the ninth largest body of water in the world!
I know, you may be thinking, “why are those experiences relevant?” Why? Well they are relevant to me because I like to see everything that I’ve learned, and when I see all of these in person, they remind me the amazing time that I had learning them.
Yeah, teacher Marcello, I have to say that your teaching style did work! I still remember all those drawings and those silly explanations! But better than remembering those, it is the opportunity that I have of seeing them in person and not just on the blackboard! I mean, your drawings were pretty good! I still have them in my mind (and in my notebook – oh, yeah! Believe me, I still have my High school notebooks.) But to see it in person it is something priceless! And the best part is that they are not just another place that I visit, they are something that I’ve learned about, and something that I really know about. And why? It is because of my teacher’s crazy teaching style!
For example, last month I went to Duluth, MN, where I saw the Lake Superior, the largest of the five Great Lakes of North America. It is also the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area, and is the world's third-largest freshwater lake by volume. I couldn’t stop thinking about my teacher and everything that he taught me, and I couldn’t believe that I was really seeing that! The sensation was just amazing.
But, as amazing as the sensation that I had when I saw the Lake Superior, it was the one that I had when I went to NASA and Galveston Island, in Texas. First, I have never imagined myself being at NASA! Never! For me, NASA was something that reminds me the Woody woodpecker’s cartoon. I’m kidding! Hehehe But I really looked for him over there! LOL! Oh yeah!! Well, it was just incredible to see all those rocket ships right in front of me! Second, I couldn’t believe when I put my feet in the water of Gulf of Mexico! Oh yeaah, baby! I was there! I was in the water of the ninth largest body of water in the world!
I know, you may be thinking, “why are those experiences relevant?” Why? Well they are relevant to me because I like to see everything that I’ve learned, and when I see all of these in person, they remind me the amazing time that I had learning them.
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009
Abraçando americanos.....
Eu achei que tinha me acostumado com a frieza do povo americano, mas meu jeito brasileiro sempre me faz achar que as pessoas são "calorosas" no matter where they are. E tendo em mente a obrigatoriedade de lembrar como agir com eles foi que, por algumas vezes, me vi em situações onde o choque cultural foi... Digamos, peculiar.
Por exemplo, semana passada fui convidada para ir à casa de uma amiga, pois ela tinha acabado de se mudar e queria que eu conhecesse seu apartamento. Eu estava na fármacia,na fila para a vacina contra gripe quando recebi o convite (ocasião super apropriada, não? hehe).
Tomei a bendita vacina (da qual confesso que estava com medo, mas que no fim nem senti a picada..... Uiiii!!! hehehe), tomei um banho voando e fui pra casa dela. Chegando lá, ela sugeriu que entrássemos pelo quintal - o ape dela é no térreo e a porta de vidro da sala dá para o jardim.
Quando cheguei perto do apartamento, notei a presença de homens - sim, "notei" porque eu estava sem óculos, rs, então levou um certo tempinho até definir direito o que eu estava vendo rs - e aí me veio a dúvida: "Como eu cumprimento eles? Com aperto de mão, abraço, beijo no rosto?" Na verdade, esqueci todas as possibilidades aceitáveis por eles, quer dizer, "A" possibilidade: aperto de mão.
Acho que eles notaram, pelo menos o namorado dela notou, pois logo se aproximou e se apresentou e fez menção que eu me aproximasse deles.
"O que eu faço? Aperto de mão?", perguntei pra minha amiga, com uma cara de mais perdida impossivel.
Os meninos também ficaram sem entender a minha atitude, então ela explicou para o namorado o que estava acontecendo. Falou que eu não sabia se podia dar um beijo ou não.
Para a minha surpresa ele soltou um "Sure! We do like kisses! So, come over and give me a kiss and hug!"
WOW! Não esperava por aquilo. Cumprimentei-o como cumprimento os brasileiros: da forma mais calorosa que nos é peculiar. Cumprimentei os demais do mesmo jeito, mesmo sentindo que eles não estavam tão confortáveis com a situação como o namorado dela.
By the way, na hora que fui me despedir, ele me surpreendeu mais uma vez. Pediu que eu fosse dar um abraço nele. Americano pedindo abraço?? Weeeeiiird!!!!
Por falar em weird, essa semana aconteceu algo bem semelhante. Foi um tanto estranho, mas bem cute tambem! Ontem tive que fazer um speech (discurso) sobre dreams, hopes, e coisas assim. No meio do meu speech, me emocionei um pouco demais e acabei chorando - SIM! EU CHOREI NA FRENTE DA SALA INTEIRA!!! E mais, fiz eles chorarem também! kkkkk Agora eu dou risada, mas na hora não foi nada fácil.
Enfim, durante o intervalo, uma das alunas, Taenisha, veio até mim e disse, "Quero te dar um abraço!!" Quê? Americana pedindo abraco??? A mesma que me falou que eu nao deveria chegar fazendo isso com as pessoas porque elas nao entenderiam muito bem?
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaas, tudo bem! Brasileiro que eh brasileiro nao nega abraco! Entao, claro que fui la abraca-la! And you know what??? I really liked it!!!
Eh.... de abraco em abraco a gente chega la!
segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009
Pagando com doce...
Que eu adoro doce não é uma coisa muito dificil de advinhar, mas bendita hora que eu abri a boca e comentei com a minha host que adoro cupcakes, já que no Brasil a gente não tem isso.
Não sabe o que é um cupcake? Parece aqueles bolinhos "Ana Maria", que a gente acha em todos os mercados ai no Brasil. Sei que parece ridiculo, mas os cupcakes não são meros bolinhos "Ana Maria". Têm algo de diferente. Não sei o que é, mesmo porque o gosto é bem parecido. Acho que é pelo fato de eles serem enfeitados no topo. O que deixa eles uma gracinha, by the way! Mas que são irresistíveis isso não resta dúvida!
Enfim, a minha questão com cupcake aconteceu domingo passado. Estava eu dormindo em Burnsville - 25 minutos de onde moro - depois de um dia inteiro bebendo. Sim, fomos para uma cabana em Zimmerman na sexta à noite e passamos o sabado todo lá, bebendo. Chegamos em casa e bebemos mais ainda. Depois fomos para downtown Minneapolis dançar um pouco. Dá para advinhar meu estado no domingo de manhã, não dá? Pois bem, acho que meu host advinhou, mas não estava levando isso muito em consideração não. Era 9:30 da manhã quando meu celular começou a tocar. Achei que estava sonhando. Infelizmente não estava. Abri o olho e, ainda sem muito foco, tentei visualizar o nome na tela do celular. Pulei da cama quando vi escrito "ZAC". O que meu host queria uma hora daquela em pleno domingo? Eu tava de folga!!
Com a cabeça ainda rodando, e com o sono de derrubar elefante, tentei me concentrar nas palavras dele. Só entendi que ele precisava de mim às 11:30 porque alguém estava doente e eles estavam indo para a clínica.
Passei o caminho de volta para casa pensando porque eles precisavam de mim se a avó das crianças ficaria na casa até segunda...
Quando cheguei em casa, a avó estava lá, mas meus hosts não. Perguntei pra ela o que tinha acontecido direito e ela falou que os dois ficaram doentes ontem à noite e que ela estava indo embora 11:30 porque tinha um compromisso. Ela falava de um jeito como se estivesse conformada que os dois estavam mal, como se não fosse um big deal. Naquela hora lembrei da minha avó e da minha mãe. Tenho certeza de que minha vó nunca deixaria minha mãe sozinha se ela estivesse doente só por causa de um compromisso. Muito menos se tivesse criança pequena na casa. Nem tão pouco minha mãe faria isso. Mas enfim, a cultura brasileira é beeeeem diferente da americana.
Onde entra o cupcake nessa história?? Enfim, minha host passou no supermercado no caminho do médico para casa e me comprou uma caixa de cupcakes como forma de dizer obrigado por eu ter ido trabalhar no domingo.........
Eu agradeço ou fico puta? O certo seria me pagar hora extra, né? Mas tudo bem, até que a atitude foi bem fofa......
domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009
The world comes..... and goes!
Sometimes we pass through some situations that make us feel like s****. Sometimes our heart plays some jokes on us and we feel like dying. Sometimes tears are not enough to express our pain - and they will never be.
But some other times the life shows us that all those tears were waste, and for sure we will be laughing about them one day. Don’t you believe? You should. We have to learn that no matter how hurt we are, we cannot show those who hurt us that we are affected by them.
For example, last Saturday I went to downtown Minneapolis for dancing at a night club. For my surprise, a couple of friends were there. Of course I talked to them, and gave kisses and hugs. But we all knew that the situation wasn’t so good because of something that happened two weeks ago – but it doesn’t matter right now. Anyway, Lu was dancing in front of me when the couple came over, and he didn’t talk to them. They tried, but he acted like he hadn’t seen them. It was an awful situation, and I tried to talk to him and make him understand that he has to let things go. He didn’t, of course! I told him that when we let things go and act like normal, we get even. What a waste of time! I think the dog understands me better.
But life teaches us that everything has its time, and it doesn’t matter how long it takes, the things will happen. Like with me. For example, life put one person in my way once, and I got hurt by this person. I felt like a s**** because I liked her, I considered this person as a friend, I shared secrets and hopes, and when I wasn’t expecting, this person treated me just like nothing. No considerations at all. I cried a lot. But even though I was totally destroyed inside, every time that I saw her, I tried to show that I was feeling well, that I was happy, that I didn’t care at all – but I sure did care…..
The time passed, and I let the things go. I talked to that person. I told my side of the story and I heard the other side. I complained, but I accepted the decisions. I went over it. I let it go.
However, the world comes……………and goes! Oh yeah! That person was there again, and wanted to talk to me, to see me. It was my chance. I confess that I was a little bit afraid. Not of her, of course, but of myself. I thought I wouldn’t be strong enough and I would end up being convinced by the person. But I wouldn’t lose the opportunity. I saw the person. We talked like we were friends since childhood. I made my point. I knew what the person wanted. And the best part was that I found myself strong enough to say “No”! No more favors! I let the person know how stupid people can be when they play with someone else’s feelings.
I left that apartment laughing and thinking about the words, “I thought it couldn’t be real. I thought you were joking. I just couldn’t believe…… I wish I had believed in it.” See? For many nights I cried thinking about how stupid I was. Now I laugh about how stupid I was. But, specially, I laugh for being superior, for being even.
That night I drove my car and I just couldn’t stop thinking of what I’ve done – or what I haven’t!
That night I was pretty sure about what I want.
But some other times the life shows us that all those tears were waste, and for sure we will be laughing about them one day. Don’t you believe? You should. We have to learn that no matter how hurt we are, we cannot show those who hurt us that we are affected by them.
For example, last Saturday I went to downtown Minneapolis for dancing at a night club. For my surprise, a couple of friends were there. Of course I talked to them, and gave kisses and hugs. But we all knew that the situation wasn’t so good because of something that happened two weeks ago – but it doesn’t matter right now. Anyway, Lu was dancing in front of me when the couple came over, and he didn’t talk to them. They tried, but he acted like he hadn’t seen them. It was an awful situation, and I tried to talk to him and make him understand that he has to let things go. He didn’t, of course! I told him that when we let things go and act like normal, we get even. What a waste of time! I think the dog understands me better.
But life teaches us that everything has its time, and it doesn’t matter how long it takes, the things will happen. Like with me. For example, life put one person in my way once, and I got hurt by this person. I felt like a s**** because I liked her, I considered this person as a friend, I shared secrets and hopes, and when I wasn’t expecting, this person treated me just like nothing. No considerations at all. I cried a lot. But even though I was totally destroyed inside, every time that I saw her, I tried to show that I was feeling well, that I was happy, that I didn’t care at all – but I sure did care…..
The time passed, and I let the things go. I talked to that person. I told my side of the story and I heard the other side. I complained, but I accepted the decisions. I went over it. I let it go.
However, the world comes……………and goes! Oh yeah! That person was there again, and wanted to talk to me, to see me. It was my chance. I confess that I was a little bit afraid. Not of her, of course, but of myself. I thought I wouldn’t be strong enough and I would end up being convinced by the person. But I wouldn’t lose the opportunity. I saw the person. We talked like we were friends since childhood. I made my point. I knew what the person wanted. And the best part was that I found myself strong enough to say “No”! No more favors! I let the person know how stupid people can be when they play with someone else’s feelings.
I left that apartment laughing and thinking about the words, “I thought it couldn’t be real. I thought you were joking. I just couldn’t believe…… I wish I had believed in it.” See? For many nights I cried thinking about how stupid I was. Now I laugh about how stupid I was. But, specially, I laugh for being superior, for being even.
That night I drove my car and I just couldn’t stop thinking of what I’ve done – or what I haven’t!
That night I was pretty sure about what I want.
quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009
Half Birthday??
Oh, man! We cannot imagine how interesting are the simple things, but even more interesting are the crazy little things that each culture has in special. For example, when someone asks a Brazilian child how old she is, she will probably say that she is 5. But, Americans when asked the same question will answer “5 AND A HALF.” Why? I mean, WHY?? Does it really make any difference if you are 5 or 5 AND a half?
Whatever! This is the American culture, and I love to discover those little freaky things.
Well, you might be wondering why I am talking about this. In fact, today this crazy thing that usually annoys me just sounded so cute. I was heading to Downtown Minneapolis for my classes when I decided to stop by at my ex-host family’s house just to say “Hi”. So, I surprised them, which was nice! We had such a great time.
My ex-host mom was so happy to see me. We talked a lot! The kids… Awwwww the kids! They were so cute!!!! Ilana was so big, pretty, and looking totally independent inside that big bathtub. Daniel was soooooooooo delicious under all that soap! Hehehe I let them finish their baths, so I could have a hug and a kiss before leaving.
While I was waiting for them, their mother was telling me that yesterday Daniel surprised her when they were in the van. He asked if his birthday was on the next day (which is today), and she said that no, it was on March, and that on the next day (which is today) it would be his half birthday.
So, Daniel said, “How tomorrow is my half birthday, can I have a half birthday cake?”
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Cute!!!!! And so smart!!! I mean, he is just 4! Oops, sorry! 4 AND a HALF!!!! But anyway, it sounded so smart!!!!
Yeah…. I miss my baby-gato-gotoso-pirulito-lollipop-AND-criaturinha………….
And to make my heart even little, he turned to me and asked, “Ia, when are you coming to baby sit us again? I miss you!” WOW!!! I wasn’t expecting that!!! I almost cried. I love that boy soooooooooo much!!!! I miss him like crazy!!!!
quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009
Ainda bem que aqui nao eh Brasil.... rs
Eu fiz meu primeiro discurso EM INGLES!!! Depois de conseguir me acalmar (sim, eu estava em panico so de pensar em falar na frente de um monte de americanos), depois de vencer essa primeira etapa, fui para o carro toda contente. Ja tinha as copias das paginas do livro que eu precisava e agora so faltava alguma coisa para enganar a fome.
Estava eu em Up Town, tinha acabado de sair do McDonald's e estava apreciando o meu Snack Wrap Honey Mostard e louca para chegar em casa para comer a minha Ceaser Salad...... Eis que passo a mao no meu bolso e................ Cade o meu celular????
Procurei desesperada na bolsa, no carro e nada!!!! Imaginei que ele pudesse ter caido do meu bolso quando sentei no sofa da biblioteca. Voltei voando! Fiquei tentando lembrar ate que horas a mulher da biblioteca falou que la ficava aberto.... Mas so conseguia lembrar que era 9.... o resto nao prestei atençao.... SACO!!
Fiquei imaginando como eh que eu ia falar para os meus hosts que eu tinha perdido o celular... E o pior!! Como eh que eu ia pagar um IPHONE!!!!!! Meu Deus.... Toda minha economia iria embora por algo que eu nem ia levar para o Brasil...
Larguei meu carro na rua, coloquei uns trocados la no parquimetro (por garantia coloquei meia hora.... Nada exagerada, ne? hehe) e sai correndo feito uma louca para a biblioteca, que ainda estava aberta graças a Deus!
Fui direto ao sofa e para o meu alivio, la estava ele. Meu bichinho. Meu amor. Meu vicio. Lindo, pretinho, quetinho no sofa!
"Ainda bem que aqui não eh Brasil!" Sei que eh errado pensar isso, mas foi a primeira coisa que me veio a mente... E vamos combinar, nao eh assim uma total mentira. Se fosse no Brasil nunca mais eu veria meu celular de novo... Muito menos sendo um Iphone....
Gosh, que alivio.....
terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2009
Ovo torrado
Ha um mes, os pais do meu host vieram de South Dakota passar o fim de semana aqui em casa e, numa bela manhã, vejo David (o pai do meu host), com seu jeito apressado (e NADA delicado), fechar, ou melhor bater a porta do microondas. Questao de um minuto depois, ele tirou uma tigeja com um ovo mexido.
Fiquei olhando. Nunca fui muito boa em cozinhar, muito menos cozinhar no microondas, mas ja tinha visto varias coisas, varias receitas e coisa e tal, mas confesso que ovo nunca vi.
Enfim, fim de semana passado ele veio de novo. Dessa vez, sozinho. A esposa dele (que eh um amooooor!) ficou trabalhando. Eis que o apressado e nada delicado David quebra um ovo, coloca na tigela e 'paaaaaaaa!' dentro do microondas!
Dessa vez nao resisti. Tive que perguntar como se fazia ovo mexido SEM MEXER!!! Ele me ensinou passo a passo, o que não eh nada dificil.
1. Quebra o ovo na tigela.
2. Acrescenta sal.
3. Da uma leve mexidinha.
4. Taca (sim, ele taca e nao coloca.. kkk) a tigela no microondas.
5. 40 segundos sao suficientes.
E tchanran!!!!! Eis que voce tem um ovo mexido feito no microondas!!!
POis bem, hoje de manhã resolvi fazer SOZINHA essa invenção. Segui passo a passo conforme fui me lembrando. Porem, esqueci de um mero detalhe............. O TEMPO!!! Sim, coloquei 3 minutos. Com 2 minutos e 16 segundos meu ovo mexido ja havia deixado de ser mexido ha muito tempo! Parecia uma torrada!
Tentei comer. Não era uma das melhores coisa. Com dor no coracao joguei no lixo. Não gosto de jogar comida fora, mas não teve jeito.
Tentei fazer novamente. Coloquei 1 minuto. Ainda bem que dessa vez fiquei monitorando, porque ele ia virar torrada de novo!!
Tem vezes que a praticidade se torna muito complicada.... Ou sera que sou eu que não sei ser pratica??? kkkkkk
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