Today I was remembering when I was melting under the hot sun in Brazil last January, while my mind was down here on the frozen Minnesotan. Even though I love the Summer, I was so jealous of my friends being here having fun with this crazy weather while I was there… With the same thing as always!
I enjoyed last winter here just for few days, which it wasn’t enough for me. That's why, I wanted to feel the frozen Minnesotan cold again! Yeah, I know, you might be thinking, “Gee, she is crazy!” I know I am. Haha. But in reality, it is not that I was crazy; it is that I just wanted to experience something new, and real cold winter was new for me!
However, the time passed and the Brazilian fall and winter came, and they were cold! I mean, not cold like in Minnesota, but cold. I remember that I kept thinking, “How can I feel cold here if I felt the real cold weather in Minnesota?” Well, the answer showed up when I came back to Minnesota last July: I wasn’t used to cold weather anymore! For example, in July I went to downtown Minneapolis one night and I was almost freezing! Can you imagine someone freezing during the Summer time?! Yeah, I couldn’t believe in it either!
Besides that, I found myself using the heat during the nights! Oh, man! Can you imagine someone using a heat during the Summer? No?! Well, I used it! For real! I just couldn’t sleep with the central air conditioner in my house being around 60°F (16°C).
However, It is better if I try to get myself used to low temperatures again because they are coming! The Fall just started this weekend and the temperatures are already going down! I can’t believe that Monday it’s going to be 13°F (4°C)!!! Oh my Gosh! I’m going to freeze pretty soon!!!
Oh yeah! The winter is coming, baby! It's better to be prepared!!!!